Does Linux Mint 20.3 una have any trouble with Display link drivers?
It was a lot of work to get my Qgeem display link working on this mint 20. I dont want to upgrade BUT when I changed my to -- Kernel: Linux 5.8.0-23-generic to make display link work.. I lost my wifi. I dont use wifi much, but need to go away on biz. so I want to know if anyone has installed on 20.3 and seen whether it works well? I am hoping the upgrade will allow me to solve the wifi issue. I have tried everything I can find to get my wifi working. I will either try this upgrade or buy a usb wifi -- though it makes me feel dumb to do it. I run acer aspire 5
Last edited by grok57; 02-28-2022 at 05:33 AM.
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