MB Air (Sonoma 14) + LG UltraFine 5K Display + Plugable DisplayLink adapter
I am currently running a MB Air with Sonoma 14 OS to natively to my LG Ultrafine 5K Display. I have no issues with the connection except when running MS Teams. It slows down and eventually stops running if I am using video in the MS Teams application. My support team sent me a Plugable Docking Station (w/ DisplayLink) technology. I installed the SW onto my MB Air and connected the docking station. Unfortunately, my only connectors from the display is the Thunderbolt USB-C cable into the Plugable docking station's power port. When putting the TB USB-C cable into Plugable's USB port, I receive an error stating that this connection isn't supported. When swapping the TB USB-C to the Plugable's power port, it only provides power but no video to the display.
Does anyone else have this setup and been able to make it work? I would like to explore alternatives before shipping the Plugable docking station back.