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Old 10-20-2010, 06:30 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2
Thumbs up 1.6.3 Wake from sleep issue with two monitors

Hi, I've got two external monitors both on usb (Diamond 195) if I put the computer to sleep (manually) and then wake it up, one of the external monitors really gets hosed visually. I can move the mouse around on it and even bring up display settings but it's as though background items get fuzzy and jumpy. Oddly if I change the resolution and then change it back to desired setting it works ok.

I have graphic switching disabled and also have sleep disabled in my settings. Logs from debug attached.

I don't know if this matters but one of my external monitors I use as my primary display with menu and dock.
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- Rob
MacBook Pro 17' Unibody Mid-2010 // MacBookPro6,1
2 // Core i7 2.66GHz // 8GB RAM
Samsung SyncMaster T240HD / SyncMaster 214T
Dual Diamond BVU195

Last edited by Pawel; 12-07-2010 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 11-15-2010, 11:55 PM   #2
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 5

CFDude, I had LOTS of problems when making the displaylink monitor the main screen with Dock/menu. Once I stopped that - most problems stopped. I do still get a flood of errors whenever I wake the computer from sleep (and possibly some weird crashing of window server and subsequent automatic logout loosing all my work that was on the screen - but it still mostly works.

In all fairness I do NOT know if those 2 are related - but I never had the Mac log me out automatically before - and it started only happening within days of setting up 2 displaylinks in addition to my regular external display.
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Old 11-16-2010, 10:36 PM   #3
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2
Thumbs up Resolved my issues

Most of the issues I had really had to do with not having "Automatic Graphic Switching" unchecked prior to install. Once I regained control, I uninstalled the driver, rebooted, unchecked graphic switching, rebooted, then reinstalled the Displaylink driver. Everything worked fine after that, even having my external monitor be my main display & dock.

One thing I discovered is that using a USB graphics adapter for both my external monitors ensured that the computer will always go to sleep once the lid closes on my MBP. I ended up using the mini display port for one of the monitors so I could keep the lid closed and continue using the computer. It's not a bug with displaylink, just a Mac issue on these new mid-2010 Macbook Pros (unibody).

I wrote some details on my blog about it
- Rob
MacBook Pro 17' Unibody Mid-2010 // MacBookPro6,1
2 // Core i7 2.66GHz // 8GB RAM
Samsung SyncMaster T240HD / SyncMaster 214T
Dual Diamond BVU195

Last edited by Pawel; 12-07-2010 at 02:25 PM.
cfdude is offline  

1.6.3, 10.6.4, external monitor, sleep, wake

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