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Old 08-12-2021, 05:05 PM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2021
Posts: 4

After having the same issue myself by using a mainline 5.13 kernel in Pop OS, I managed to get the monitors working by having a look at the guide for porting the driver to other distros here:

A small summary though (only tested in PopOs, but should probably work in most Debian/Ubuntu based distros):

1. Make sure you uninstall the current EVDI driver. Do this by calling the currently installed DisplayLink installer file with a "uninstall" argument. For example:
sudo ./ uninstall
2. Extract the content of the installer file. For example:
./ --noexec --keep
3. A folder will now exist in the same path as your installer file. CD into it like so: (replace x.x.xx with the real numbers)
cd ./displaylink-driver-5.4.0-55.153
4. Replace the evdi.tar.gz file that exists there. I just downloaded a tarball from the latest dev branch from their Github like so:
curl -L -o evdi.tar.gz
5. Because the structure of the tar.gz file from Github has an extra folder in its root level, you also need to modify the install_evdi() function in the file. Look for this:

if ! tar xf "$TARGZ" -C "$EVDI"; then
and replace with:

if ! tar xf "$TARGZ" -C "$EVDI" --strip-components=1; then
6. Run the installer script as root: sudo ./ and it should install and compile the very latest EVDI driver which is compatible with linux kernels up til and including 5.14.

Last edited by karly; 08-23-2021 at 05:25 PM. Reason: add -L to curl
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