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Old 01-17-2017, 09:00 PM   #2
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With very recent version of Windows 10, you don't even need a DisplayLink driver to play USB audio as it's in the OS itself but I'm sorry to report that it is unlikely to change the behaviour even if no DisplayLink driver will be in the loop.

In any case, a USB device driver is unaware of the application being used to play sound. There is no host software from DisplayLink controlling the audio: as you could see you've been using the Windows audio settings dialogue boxes.
The USB device driver doesn't have the necessary access privilege nor code to change the output (so even if we wanted, we cannot)
Some laptop manufacturers ship an add-on applications to pop-up a box when you plug something in, but we don't.
The only application we have, when installed, is exclusively for video (ethernet is direct too).

The only reason it works when you got a new device is probably because each time you plugged any new device in, or a device in a different USB port, Windows does a new instance of the driver. You would get the same by totally cleaning and replugging the device.

With the testing you have done /listed here (and only with the information you have provided here), the summary is that you only seem to have the issue with Google Chrome.
As the device or driver doesn't know what you are running, would you mind trying Spotify over Firefox browser?
"Google Chrome not playing through the default playback" device has had reports over the years on system where DisplayLink is not even remotely involved : only with speakers and headphones (USB or jack).

Would you have the result on Firefox (or Edge)?
Would you be able to post your logs so I know what which Windows 10 you are running? There are 4 major versions in circulation today (and weekly minor versions, and monthly packs). The third link in my forum signature links to the steep by step guide.

Kind regards,
Alban Rampon
Senior product manager, universal docking stations and accessories
"DisplayLink is proud to be a Synaptics brand."

Where to download the latest DisplayLink drivers
How to clean up a corrupted installation
How to report issues to DisplayLink for a speedy resolution
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