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Old 04-11-2016, 11:33 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by mlukaszek View Post
This kernel version is a bit too new for the Ubuntu driver. EVDI is already ready to support 4.x line, however there's been an incompatible change in libevdi (that changed the API) so DisplayLinkManager would not work with the library built off "devel" branch (we use "master" for Ubuntu releases).

We do plan a refresh for the Ubuntu driver that would enable 16.04 LTS for example - I cannot give exact date though.

In meantime, you could try compiling a version of from devel branch if you get rid of commit 09b525b which changes the API - then I think this would stil work with DisplayLinkManager, but obviously should contain other changes that enabled 4.x compatibility.

Alternatively, you can use devel branch as is, and try to re-introduce the function that changed signature
void evdi_connect(evdi_handle handle, const unsigned char* edid);
which would call the newer version of evdi_connect, hardcoding the count to 128 (so the resulting logic would be as it was previously).
Please do reply here if you do it and it works.

Thanks a lot for your encouraging answer. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I don't really know how to do what you suggest, I'm not experienced enough to compile anything or re-introduce the function without any step by step guide for dummies. I'll check if I can find a guide an apply it to this particular git, but can't promise I can manage to do what you suggest.
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