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Old 07-19-2012, 11:27 AM   #2
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I'm not sure how much help I can be here, as this product depends on the wireless USB chips and driver (not supplied by DisplayLink) and the DisplayLink chip and driver.

From the Device ID, I can see the firmware builds that were created for our chip with this REV number, and none of the builds I can see have this REV. That leads me to believe that the Wireless USB drivers are changing our USB descriptors between the chip and the OS.

When it works, the "WSUSB Audio/Video Device" looks like the product description string from our firmware. The "UWB Transmitter" looks like the firmware description string from the wireless USB device, as if the WUSB drivers are not properly installed and just passing the wireless USB traffic to wired USB.

I don't know how the WUSB drivers work, and I'm just guessing, but it does look like a problem with Wireless USB not making our device appear properly on the USB bus.

I think Imation will need to help here.

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