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Old 07-17-2013, 02:56 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 1

I'm having this same issue, though it happens far more frequently for me. It sort of goes in spurts. When the screen first loses its connection, it then will frequently do so again whenever I "do" something on a window in that screen: like refresh a browser, move a window, open a file, etc. Very rarely does it lose the connection and go dark when I'm not doing anything. Then, it'll work for a good 10, 15 minutes or so, and then become completely unusable again. Occasionally it will totally lock the second screen completely, and require me to either restart or pull the USB plug.

I just bought mine, and had already been using windows 8.1, so I can't say if it worked before. I have an MS Surface Pro, with primary plugged directly into the surface's displayport, and the secondary (flickering) plugged into the displayport on an HP 3005pr. Another guy here at work also has a Surface running Win 8 still, so I'll see if I can confirm there are no issues with that setup.
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