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Old 09-07-2011, 09:27 PM   #6
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 7

Hi hotcha3,

Your log indicates where the app crashed, and I was able to reproduce the problem on my machine with this code:

import java.awt.*;
public class Temp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice : GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(). getScreenDevices()) {
System.out.println(graphicsDevice.getAvailableAcce leratedMemory());

...the code above cycles through the available graphics devices and queries each one for the amount of accelerated memory (presumably video memory) available.

On my machine I have three graphics devices, the built-in Intel one, and two DisplayLink USB cards. The JVM crashes when I call this method on either of the DisplayLink devices. But it works for the built-in one.

So this is a reproducible test case that could help DisplayLink to fix the issue in their drivers.

In the mean time, it might also be possible for Prorealtime to avoid calling this method. I'm using several Java apps, IntelliJ IDEA mostly, and I haven't encountered this issue, so presumably my apps just aren't using that method.

It's a method that a real-time graphics app like Prorealtime might well like to use of course, to improve graphics performance. But maybe they could make an update for you/others in this situation, such that under some circumstances or if a "system property" is set, they can avoid calling that method.

It's likely this is a bug in DisplayLink drivers. There's also a chance that this problem could be caused by a bug in Apple's Java or an underlying system. A bug in DisplayLink drivers does sound more likely though.

Over to DisplayLink I guess...
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