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Old 12-15-2010, 07:53 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by forza View Post
I've been using this setup for just over a year now. I've done various plugging and un-plugging over that time. The MBP is taken home each night so the displays are daily plugged and unplugged - although this is done with the MBP powered off.

I think the main reason I've had success where others haven't is that my MBP is the first gen unibody - the later i5 and i7 MBPs seem to be the most problematic, but the recent 10.6.5 update from Apple does seem to have made things a lot better. Interesting to note that an update from Apple cured the problems rather than a new driver from DisplayLink ....

I am aware DisplayLink claim to be frustrated by a lack of technical support/information from Apple - but this was primarily around the accelerated graphics support from what I remember. Not sure if Apple's recent opening up of the accelerated APIs has improved this though. So little communication from DisplayLink themselves leaves us all in the dark guessing and coming to our own conclusions - probably incorrectly most of the time.
The key thing you said there was "although this is done with the MBP powered off". That makes a big difference. If you try unplugging the USB while the machine is running then it's likely that when you plug it back in it will never work again until you do a full OS reinstall. Previously I did manage to do the unplug/replug a few times without problems but since I reinstalled I only managed to unplug it once before it stopped working.
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