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Old 11-30-2010, 08:38 PM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4
Default The FIX!

After I posted this, I realized that I had just updated my OS to Version 10.6.5 a few days before I noticed this problem. (I don't always run with both displays on, so I didn't realize the problem at first.) My original update was through the Software Update system on the Mac. So it updated from Version 10.6.4 to 10.6.5. Just to make sure that it was not a update problem, I ran Disk Utility to check the disk for consistency and repair permissions. Then I downloaded and ran the 10.6.5 Combo update, which would update a 10.6.0 installation to a 10.6.5 installation, several upgrades all at once. Then I rand Disk Utility a second time to verify the disk and repair permissions. The second monitor has been up and running full time since then with no problems of any kind. I waited a few days here before declaring victory, so it seems a solid fix.

(Now just watch it go blank when I hit "submit." lol)
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