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Old 06-08-2010, 04:33 PM   #1
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Default Machine crashes when disconnecting monitors

I just recently got a new 15" MacBook Pro, which runs 64-bit Snow Leopard. I installed the new beta driver, and everything seemed to work just dandy. However, when I went to disconnect my laptop, I ran into an issue.

I first unplugged the DisplayLink device, and my laptop seemed fine with that, switching onto the other two monitors (built-in display port and laptop screen). However, when I then unplugged the built-in monitor, my laptop's internal screen went crazy, showing nothing but a static display of horizontal bars. Strangely, the mouse cursor still seemed to be available and moved about, but as far as I could tell, nothing else on the machine was actually working.

The only way that I can remedy this lockup is to power off the machine and restart it with the built in display port connected, and then uninstall the DisplayLink driver. I have verified that everything works just fine without the driver installed, and reinstalling the driver causes the problems again.

You instructions call for running the info gathering app after the problem occurs, but I can't do that since my machine is totally locked up in this scenario. I'm glad to follow some instructions to get you more information if there's something you'd like me to try, or run a debug version of the driver if you have one. (Assuming that it will only bork my display and not wipe my machine, of course.)
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