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-   -   x64 folder under displaylink-driver-1.0.335 is empty. (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=64281)

suiato 12-27-2015 05:46 PM

x64 folder under displaylink-driver-1.0.335 is empty.
Unpacked dislaylink-driver-1.0.335.run by
> ./displaylink-driver-1.0.335.run --keep --noexec

Under the folder displaylink-driver-1.0.335,
the x64 folder is empty, while the x86 folder has
DisplayLinkManager, libevdi.so, and libusb-1.0.so.0.1.0.

> ./displaylink-installer.sh install
fails because OS is 64 bit and no files under the x64 folder :confused:

Where can I find the files to be placed under x64, or can I just use files under x86?

mlukaszek 12-27-2015 06:04 PM

I cannot reproduce the problem you're seeing.

$ md5sum DisplayLink_Ubuntu_1.0.335.zip
006cfb269af80e6fc73bcfe04b693131  DisplayLink_Ubuntu_1.0.335.zip

$ unzip DisplayLink_Ubuntu_1.0.335.zip
Archive:  DisplayLink_Ubuntu_1.0.335.zip
  inflating: displaylink-driver-1.0.335.run
  inflating: LICENSE

$ chmod +x displaylink-driver-1.0.335.run

$ ./displaylink-driver-1.0.335.run --keep --noexec
Creating directory displaylink-driver-1.0.335
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing DisplayLink Linux Driver 1.0.335  100%

$ ls -R displaylink-driver-1.0.335
displaylink-installer.sh  ella-dock-release.spkg  evdi-1.0.335-src.tar.gz  firefly-monitor-release.spkg  LICENSE  x64  x86

DisplayLinkManager  libevdi.so  libusb-1.0.so.0.1.0

DisplayLinkManager  libevdi.so  libusb-1.0.so.0.1.0

Are you using some exotic distro/shell variant where makeself could have difficulties extracting the archive contents?


suiato 12-28-2015 08:32 AM

[Solved]Re:x64 folder under displaylink-driver-1.0.335 is empty.
Thank you for your detailed response, mlukaszek.
I started the process over, followed the commands, and then found the files under x64 :)
Sorry for confusion, but I still don't know how it happened. Maybe it was just one of those days... I really appreciate your help.

suiato 12-28-2015 09:54 AM

I found that the files under x64 got removed when I ran the shell script with errors.

Because I am running Linux Mint 17.2 (KDE, Linux kernal: 3.16.0-38-generic), I replaced "Ubuntu 14.*" with "Linux Mint 17.2" in the script. I also changed to SYTEMINITDAEMON=upstart.

Now, I'm happy to have a 1080P display connected to my old notebook PC :)

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