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skevy 08-17-2009 04:21 PM

Doesn't Work At All - Kext doesn't load
1 Attachment(s)
Hi -

So, excitedly this morning, I tried to install this driver. At first, I had my computer booting Snow Leopard into 64 bit, using the arch=x86_64 flag in my com.Apple.Boot.plist. I tried installing the driver, and it told me the kext could not be loaded, and when I restarted, all I saw was the following in my system.log:


Aug 17 12:10:51 shimmy-2 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[291] (com.displaylink.useragent): Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
 Monday, August 17, 2009 12:10:55 PM America/Detroit
Aug 17 12:10:54 shimmy-2 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.displaylink.usbnivolistener[921]): posix_spawn("/System/Library/Extensions/DisplayLinkDriver.kext/DisplayLinkAgent/USBNivoListener", ...): No such file or directory
Aug 17 12:10:54 shimmy-2 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.displaylink.usbnivolistener[921]): Exited with exit code: 1
Aug 17 12:10:54 shimmy-2 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.displaylink.usbnivolistener): Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
Aug 17 12:10:56 shimmy-2 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[291] (com.displaylink.useragent[922]): posix_spawn("/System/Library/Extensions/DisplayLinkDriver.kext/DisplayLinkAgent/DisplayLinkUserAgent", ...): No such file or directory
Aug 17 12:10:56 shimmy-2 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[291] (com.displaylink.useragent[922]): Exited with exit code: 1

Frustrated, I checked for the files that it couldn't find - they weren't there. So, I thought that maybe the installer wasn't ready for 64 bit. I uninstalled the driver, verified it was uninstalled, removed the "arch=x86_64" boot flag from my com.Apple.Boot.plist, and restarted. I was sure that I had rebooted back into 32-bit mode because of the following output when I ran "uname -a":


Darwin shimmy-2.local 10.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0: Sat Jul 18 23:35:54 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1456.1.22~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386
I reinstalled the driver, this time no kext loading error message upon install. Restarted as was requested, and after my computer had rebooted, I plugged in my DisplayLink hardware (to several usb ports) and nothing happened.

I opened up my system.log again, and found the same output as above; it couldn't find the files. I showed the package contents of the installer in the dmg and looked for those two files, and they don't exist in the installer either. Is this a mistake? Did you guys forget to put a couple things in the DMG?

Also, I verified that my DisplayLink hardware is in your Supported Products.plist file. My product id is "0x0198" (408 in decimal) and my vendor id is "0x17e9" (6121 in decimal).

Please help with this problem - I'm really missing my two extra monitors since WWDC!


P.S.: I've attached the debugging information that I got from using your tool as requested in the "Providing Bug Reports" post on the forum.

skevy 08-17-2009 04:23 PM

I'm seeing other posts in the forum with my exact same error. I'm really guessing this is an accident on your guys' part because I'm sure you wouldn't have released even a beta driver that didn't work at all :-D.

Good luck!

skevy 08-17-2009 04:34 PM

Well -

I fixed it.

I copied over DisplayLinkUserAgent and USBNivoListener from the 1.1.3 Beta - and BAM worked right away.

You guys did forget the files didn't you ;-). Tisk tisk tisk.

- Adam

tysonedwards 08-17-2009 04:40 PM

skevy, do you mean that you copied them from an existing working install of 1.1.3b on 10.5 or did you do extract these files from somewhere within the 1.1.3b installer package?

bizkut 08-17-2009 04:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Doesn't work for me too. I am using SL 10A421
bizkut@macbook ~ $ uname -a
Darwin macbook 10.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.0.0: Sat Jul 18 23:35:54 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1456.1.22~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

skevy 08-17-2009 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by tysonedwards (Post 127)
skevy, do you mean that you copied them from an existing working install of 1.1.3b on 10.5 or did you do extract these files from somewhere within the 1.1.3b installer package?

Ok so basically load up the 1.1.3b dmg, show the package contents of the installer, then drag the Archive.pax.gz to your desktop. Extract it, "Show the package contents" of DisplayLinkDriver.kext, and in the "DisplayLinkAgent" folder, you'll find "DisplayLinkUserAgent" and "USBNivoListener". Copy those to /System/Extensions/DisplayLinkDriver.kext/DisplayLinkAgent, and without even restarting (if your stuff is plugged in)...BAM! It works. :-D

However, I've just tested this on x86_64, and no go. Presumably they have recompiled these two missing files for x86_64 (hence the reason to release a new driver), but just forgot to include them when they packaged it up or something.



bizkut 08-17-2009 04:51 PM

Thanks skevy, I just got it working on my Macbook 4,1 with 32 bit kernel with your instructions. :)

valvalis 08-17-2009 04:55 PM

Thanks skevy, works great!

wittless 08-17-2009 04:58 PM

I ended up trying the same thing and came here to post what I had found only to find out you beat me to it. But I can confirm that copying the 2 missing files from the previous beta driver to this one allows for the display to work.

raminf 08-17-2009 06:46 PM

Tried it. Didn't work.
Running Snow Leopard 10A432. Did as suggested by skevy and copied the two files from the 1.1.3beta to the bundle folder. Rebooted. Still didn't recognize the monitor, but now the console shows a constantly expanding (like, 10+/second) list of errors. Tried plugging directly into MBPro USB port as well as through a powered D-Link hub. No difference.

Going to uninstall it until a proper update shows up.

Here are the console messages:

8/17/09 11:37:19 AM kernel USBF: 442.199 [0x7c8c800] The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device that has been plugged in. It will keep retrying. (Port 2 of hub @ location: 0xfd830000)
8/17/09 11:37:20 AM DisplayLinkUserAgent[273] (00306510.118)-[DLDistributedNotificationCenter initAs:withName:] Could not create Client object.
8/17/09 11:37:21 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.displaylink.usbnivolistener[500]) Exited with exit code: 1
8/17/09 11:37:21 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.displaylink.usbnivolistener) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
8/17/09 11:37:21 AM DisplayLinkUserAgent[273] (00113280.118)-[DLDistributedNotificationCenter initAs:withName:] Could not create Client object.
8/17/09 11:37:22 AM DisplayLinkUserAgent[273] (00306540.118)-[DLDistributedNotificationCenter initAs:withName:] Could not create Client object.
8/17/09 11:37:23 AM DisplayLinkUserAgent[273] (00113280.118)-[DLDistributedNotificationCenter initAs:withName:] Could not create Client object.
8/17/09 11:37:24 AM DisplayLinkUserAgent[273] (00306520.118)-[DLDistributedNotificationCenter initAs:withName:] Could not create Client object.
8/17/09 11:37:25 AM DisplayLinkUserAgent[273] (00306510.118)-[DLDistributedNotificationCenter initAs:withName:] Could not create Client object.
8/17/09 11:37:26 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.displaylink.usbnivolistener[502]) Exited with exit code: 1


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