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enothen 08-15-2015 02:28 AM

Custom RPM created for Fedora and others
I modified and repackaged the Ubuntu installer in rpm format. Also added a udev rule so that the displaylink unit is started when the device is plugged in, and stopped when it's plugged out. It still uses dkms to keep it working after kernel updates.

So far I've tested it in Fedora 22, with kernels 4.1.4-200.fc22.x86_64 and 4.1.3-201.fc22.x86_64, and it works quite well. Download and step-by-step available:



jkudish 08-19-2015 04:35 AM

Awesome, thanks so much for putting this together. I'll report any bugs if I find any.

jkudish 08-19-2015 05:06 AM


Just undid my previous installation in favor of your more future proof and more efficient RPM.

I like that it auto-detects the USB module. However, I actually own two different usb modules. The one that you own (the 4 in 1) is the one I use when mobile, but I use this more complete docking station when I'm at home and plugged into my monitor.

It seems your script doesn't detect the docking station as a displaylink device and thus doesn't start the driver when it's plugged in. As a workaround, right now, I've plugged in the 4 in 1 into the docking station, which ironically enough, works.

Can I help you provide the right info to update the script to detect the docking station properly?

Also completely unrelated to the driver, but I was wondering if you had any tips on how to get Fedora/Gnome to remember display arrangement settings after a reboot. It doesn't seem to remember that the monitor is set to the left of my laptop.

Thanks for all your help!

enothen 08-20-2015 01:16 PM

Yes, the rule works when you plug one into the other because the 4-in-1 is detected, no mather where on the usb tree. You have 2 issues then, first one is broadening the detection of DisplayLink devices, the second one issomething I haven't thought before: someone plugging two devices. Issue has to do with stopping the service only when the last device has been unplugged. I don't have two devices to test this, but I imagine my rule will stop the service when you unplug the first one, hence stopping a valid monitor from working.

Ideally, I would use "/bin/lsusb -d 17e9: 2>/dev/null || /bin/systemctl stop displaylink.service", which serves as validation of a remaining DisplayLink device plugged in, but udev does not allow for piped commands on RUN, so I would have to go with an external script, which is not what I like the most, but I understand it helps on a broader set of configurations.

For now, I've updated my rpm with a udev rule that detects devices based on vendor, which should work for you. I've also fixed an issue when upgrading the rpm, so please remove the current version, then install the new one (this version will manage upgrades ok). Try using one device, using both, then removing one, and let me know.


As of your other question, yes, I'm running into the same. Every time I plug a monitor I have to configure it. Don't know yet where this information is saved. I thought about leaving the DisplayLinkManager service running all the time, but that didn't work either.


pgn674 08-20-2015 03:17 PM

I've tried this out on my setup, but it's not working.

Laptop: Lenovo ThinkPad W520
DisplayLink adapter: Lenovo ThinkPad USB 3.0 Dock
OS: Fedora 22
Kernel: 4.1.3-201.fc22.x86_64

The module is present for my kernel:

The kernel identifies the USB device OK:

kernel: usb 2-1.4.1: Manufacturer: DisplayLink
And the service gets started when I plug in the "dock":

● displaylink.service - DisplayLink Manager Service
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/displaylink.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
  Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-08-20 11:00:51 EDT; 14min ago
  Process: 8792 ExecStartPre=/sbin/modprobe evdi (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 8795 (DisplayLinkMana)
  CGroup: /system.slice/displaylink.service
          └─8795 /usr/lib/displaylink/DisplayLinkManager

Aug 20 11:00:51 w520-pnickerson.portland.desknetinc.com systemd[1]: Starting DisplayLink Manager Service...
Aug 20 11:00:51 w520-pnickerson.portland.desknetinc.com systemd[1]: Started DisplayLink Manager Service.

This is a currently running process:

But no additional displays appear in the Fedora settings. And I'm not seeing any log messages about new displays being detected. Any idea where I can look for additional hints as to what's wrong?

dmesg does show some evdi entries, but I think they're normal:

[  409.913339] evdi: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
[  409.914929] [ ] evdi_init Initialising logging on level 5

enothen 08-20-2015 07:33 PM

Did you plug a monitor on the hdmi or vga ports, or did you just plug the adapter? Asking because nothing shows up on the display configuration menu if I just plug the adapter. It only shows when I actually plug a display on the hdmi port of the adapter. Also make sure to install the rpm version (release 2) that I uploaded yesterday, as it handles a wider set of devices.

pgn674 08-20-2015 07:56 PM

I tried plugging the adapter into the USB 3.0 port on the laptop first, and then the DVI monitor cables into the adapter (and the monitors are powered and turned on). I've also tried plugging the monitors into the adapter first, and then the adapter into the laptop. And the adapter has external power and a power button, so I've tried having that on and off in various ways too.

I have been using your RPM version 1.0.68-2 from the beginning.

How much does this depend on the graphics driver being used to run the integrated display and the VGA and DisplayPort ports (not currently being used)? This laptop has NVIDIA Optimus hardware which does some kind of mixing of Intel integrated and NVIDIA card graphics, but I don't have Bumblebee installed to drive that, so it's disabled in the BIOS. I am using Nouveau as the graphics driver, as the NVIDIA binary blob has given me trouble.

pgn674 08-20-2015 08:36 PM

I am finding some other people using Ubuntu and Debian and having the same issues with the Lenovo ThinkPad USB 3.0 Dock: Everything seems to work fine, but no displays are detected.

I checked xrandr, and that doesn't show the displays either.

I have increased the DisplayLink encrypted logging level and then plugged in the dock. If anyone from DisplayLink would like to see the log files, let me know.

enothen 08-21-2015 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by pgn674 (Post 78178)
I am finding some other people using Ubuntu and Debian and having the same issues with the Lenovo ThinkPad USB 3.0 Dock: Everything seems to work fine, but no displays are detected.

I checked xrandr, and that doesn't show the displays either.

I have increased the DisplayLink encrypted logging level and then plugged in the dock. If anyone from DisplayLink would like to see the log files, let me know.

Yeah, it seems to be related to a specific hardware combination, which I don't have. As long as the module is compiled and loaded, and the service running when the dock is plugged, means the rpm is doing things right. Hopefully someone at DisplayLink can provide more help (or someone else with the same hardware)

azothforgotten 08-24-2015 02:16 PM

I had to sign the kernel mod with a private/public key pair to get it to run on my Lenovo because I dual boot with Windows 10 and it uses secure boot. I guess you could disable secure boot if that's easier.

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