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-   -   Windows 10 postponed installation not working (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=66581)

buerkli 04-17-2019 06:49 AM

Windows 10 postponed installation not working
Hello all,

We are using Targus Dockingstations (Dock177 and Dock ACP71) with Dell Latitude and HP EliteBook Notebooks. We use Windows 10 LTSB 2016 (1607)
We wanted to update the Displaylink software and drivers to the latest version (9.1 M0).

But the feature "postponed installation" as discribed in the release notes does not work.

We are using the "DisplayLink_Win10RS.msi" Package for 64bit with the following installation options:
msiexec /i %SETUP%\DisplayLink_Win10RS.msi /norestart /quiet

If no docking station is connected, the software is installed correctly.

However, if a docking station is connected, only the software is updated even after a restart.

Can you give us some support please?

Kind regards

AlbanRampon 04-17-2019 12:41 PM

Hello Buerkli,

Thank you for raising this to us. I'm sorry you are meeting issues with that new feature.
I'd like to make sure I understand.
What do you mean by only the software is updated after restart?

At the moment, the feature relies on PowerShell, Task Scheduler and Events Log to be available on the client. Would you have these?

Kind regards,

AlbanRampon 04-17-2019 01:32 PM

Added note from our engineering:
Could we get file(s) in C:\Windows\Temp\ called PostponedDriverSwap*.log?
They would include details of what is taking place to help understand the issue.

buerkli 04-23-2019 07:33 AM


When i run "msiexec /i %SETUP%\DisplayLink_Win10RS.msi /norestart /quiet" without docking connected, everything works fine. The DisplayLink Manger and the graphics driver are udpated immediately.

If i execute the command with the docking station connected , only the DisplayLink Manager is updated to V9.1, the graphics drivers stays on V8.6 (even after a reboot).

I cannot find any log in C:\Windows\Temp\ called PostponedDriverSwap*.log.

Kind regards

astruzyna 04-24-2019 12:58 PM


Our Engineering team asked if you could check a few things:

1. Please check if PowerShell, Task Scheduler and Events Log are available.

2. Please go to C:\Program Files\DisplayLink Core Software and check if Driverswap powershell script and PostponedDriverSwap application exist in this folder

3. Please check if the tasks DisplayLink_DriverUpdate_Boot and DisplayLink_DriverUpdate_PnP are present and active in the Task Scheduler

4. Please run the msiexec command with /l*v argument in other to generate the msi log and send that to us

DisplayLink logs are saved in the TEMP/TMP system variable. Please look for the log in this location.

Please attach the logs to your reply, Thank you.

Kind regards,

buerkli 04-25-2019 01:48 PM


I think we found the failure:

In the log of the .msi file you can find this error:

"MSI (s) (B4:CC) [13:41:07:113]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSICE26.tmp, Entrypoint: RunPowerShellScript
Dumping PowerShell invoke log ...
--> Found PowerShell path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powersh ell.exe
--> PowerShell Script Execution Result Code: 1
--> PowerShell Script Execution log:
Die Datei "C:\Users\Testuser1\AppData\Local\Temp\pssCE2B.ps1 " kann nicht
geladen werden. Die Datei
"C:\Users\Testuser1\AppData\Local\Temp\pssCE2B.ps1 " ist nicht digital
signiert. Sie k”nnend dieses Skript im aktuellen System nicht ausfhren.
Weitere Informationen zum Ausfhren von Skripts und Festlegen der
Ausfhrungsrichtlinie erhalten Sie in "about_Execution_Policies" unter
+ CategoryInfo : Sicherheitsfehler: (:) , ParentContainsErrorRe
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
CustomAction PreparePostponedDriverSwap returned actual error code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking"

Our Powershell execution policy is set to "AllSigned".
If we change it to "RemoteSigned" everything works fine. But we are not allowed to change this setting on all machines.

Can you advice us how to solve this problem?
Kind regards

astruzyna 05-13-2019 08:39 AM


Thank you for your feedback. Solution to this issue is planned for our next 9.2 driver where we will no longer use PowerShell scripts. We will let you know when an alpha/beta driver is available so that you can test the fix. Thank you for raising this issue with us.

Kind regards,

buerkli 05-20-2019 07:05 AM


Thank you very much for your support.
We are looking forward V 9.2

Kind regards

astruzyna 06-25-2019 11:08 AM


We have released an Alpha version of our 9.2 driver.

This is the first public preview of DisplayLink driver 9.2 for Windows. It has undergone limited system tests and is only suitable for beta testing, to evaluate the software.

9.2 Alpha delivers:
- Improvements to Windows 10 postponed installation: when pushing the MSI to users, driver will be updated straight away if no DisplayLink product is detected, or at the next machine reboot if a device is detected:
--- Now available for Windows 10 .exe,
--- For .msi: Task Scheduler is now replaced by Service.

9.2 Alpha .msi for testing of postponed installation features.

Please test it and let us know your feedback. Thank you.

Kind regards,

astruzyna 07-18-2019 09:33 AM


Our 9.2 M0 driver is now available with Postponed Installation on Windows 10.

Driver version 9.2 M0 onwards removes user interruption caused by driver updates (temporary loss of video, audio and Ethernet during driver swap) while the users are working with their dock on their machines.

From now on, IT can now centrally distribute the driver to all clients and when the MSI driver executes:
  • Driver will be updated straight away, if no DisplayLink product is connected,
  • Driver will be updated at the next machine reboot/plug-unplug, if DisplayLink device is detected in use.

The feature requires following Windows components:
  • Windows Service

Power Shell is no longer required.

Please let us know if your issue with Postponed Installation has been resolved with this driver version. Thank you.

Kind regards,

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