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-   -   Drivers stop working after a kernel upgrade, need reinstall (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=66668)

heldmar 06-19-2019 11:49 AM

Drivers stop working after a kernel upgrade, need reinstall

I am an Ubuntu (18.04.2 LTS) user and I am using DisplayLink drivers for a USB Dock with my Laptop (Lenovo Yoga 910) since driver version 1.4.

I have upgraded to subsequent drivers versions when they came out, so right now I am running version 4.4, however, on versions 4.2 and 4.4 I have noticed that every time I do a kernel upgrade (which happens around once a month) drivers stop working and I need to do a uninstall and then reinstall same driver I had and reboot the machine in order for the driver to "attach" to the new kernel.

This although is quite simple is annoying, it seems like when you install the driver it actually attaches to the kernel and when the kernel is upgraded it won't transfer driver to it and you have to do it for it.

Is this something that can be prevented somehow? Can DisplayLink look into this for future releases?

mlukaszek 06-19-2019 04:56 PM

Kernel driver is being registered with dkms, so it should be rebuilt as you upgrade your kernels. Is this not working?


heldmar 06-19-2019 06:13 PM

No, it's not working, that's why I wanted to make you guys aware to see if this can be corrected in future versions.

It's very easy to test it by installing simply installing an old kernel version, installing the driver and then trying to upgrade the kernel and then trying to use the dock. Actually, the dock works (USB connections and networking) but displays won't even turn on unless you reinstall the driver again.

heldmar 07-02-2019 12:21 PM

More information on this matter:

I have 2 different devices, one at home and one at the office, both of them use DisplayLink. I did a kernel upgrade last night and of course, it made my device at home to not work so I had to uninstall the driver, reboot, reinstall the driver and reboot again to make it work.

Then I came to office Today and when I plugged to my USB dock it didn't work, so I had to once again: uninstall, reboot, install, reboot. Not only is annoying but this means that it even affects devices! So, you basically will have to uninstall and reinstall per each device you have.

Very weird and annoying, I hope this can get fixed in any way.

Thomas Maeder 07-23-2019 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by heldmar (Post 88139)
No, it's not working, that's why I wanted to make you guys aware to see if this can be corrected in future versions

Basically every time I update the kernel, I have to
* displaylink-installer uninstall
* reboot
* ./displaylink-driver-5.2.14.run

smacdonald-miov 07-24-2019 02:54 PM

I'm on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS. I hadn't noticed a problem with the 4.4 driver.

I just upgraded to the 5.2 driver; I'll keep an eye out for issues.

Thomas Maeder 08-16-2019 04:34 AM

After the update to kernel 4.15.0-58, I had to uninstall, reboot then install again.

heldmar 08-16-2019 02:37 PM

After installing last version, now when I update Kernel, on the next reboot it takes around 3 - 4 minutes for the dock to recognize the external screens and work. It will work without installation but not immediately.

It will work normally afterwards on the very next reboots though.

Thomas Maeder 07-06-2020 09:19 PM

> After the update to kernel 4.15.0-58, I had to uninstall, reboot then install again.

I'm happy to be able to write that I haven't had to do that any more for a while now after kernel updates.

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