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-   -   Rigged-Up Lenovo 320 + qGEEM USB-C Port Replicator / Mint 20.2 - Am I Just That Dumb? (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68023)

starhawk 12-01-2021 06:34 AM

Rigged-Up Lenovo 320 + qGEEM USB-C Port Replicator / Mint 20.2 - Am I Just That Dumb?

I'm a low-income individual. I live in an apartment complex with a lot of older people (I'm in my mid-30s, most of the others here are at least twice my age). I erm program a lot of TVs and DVD players ;) in the old days it would've been VCRs lol. I also get a lot of 'donations' -- "My grandson says this laptop he dropped on its lid is a bit old, he's just going to buy a new one, maybe you can use it?"

Yes, Ma'am, how many more does he have that he can be just as clumsy with? :D Lord forgive me, but it's a freaking Lenovo 320 -- the screen may have been garbage to begin with but the processor inside absolutely smokes anything else I have on hand! Had to rip out the battery, too -- it didn't boot with the battery in there, just sat blinking angry orange lights at me. Both my parents are from upstate NJ, so I was imagining it making Italian hand gestures at me in my mind...

AMD A12 CPU / 8gb DDR3 / 500gb platter drive from a drawer in my closet. Almost all of those come from a buddy of mine who runs the local tech shop, he gets loads of prebuilts with platter jobs inside and swaps em for SSDs, gives me what he knnows he'll never use. Super low mileage on these.

Well, now it's an all-in-one. I've got one of those fancy new USB-C "universal docking stations" (Anyone else remember when they were called "port replicators"?) and because I use Linux Mint and I asked The Google what to get, I bought that qGEEM one that everyone says works with Linux Mint.

Well, maybe I'm a big dummy but I just can't get it to work.

Drivers installed fine. No errors at all. Everything shows up in "lsusb" and "dmesg". But there's only one display in Display -- the primary one using the laptop's own HDMI out -- and I don't see any other configurator anything anywhere. I booted with the HDMI cable plugged in; unplugging and replugging the cable didn't seem to change anything.

I don't get it. What am I missing? Did I forget to install something? I only see a download for a driver. I'm running Linux Mint 20.2.

I am sooooooo cooonfuuuuuuuuuuuuused lol

Plz send kittens and help.

starhawk 12-01-2021 06:39 AM

Clarity: Linux Mint 20.2 XFCE


starhawk@********~$ uname -r

starhawk 12-01-2021 11:34 PM

If I am missing any information that needs to be provided -- please tell me. If you need clarity on something I've described, all you have to do is ask. If you want to know if I've tried 'x' or if I've looked in 'y' place or installed (or failed to install) 'z' application... I'm here, ask me whatever questions you have for me on this.

BTW: I'm sorry, I do not have an installation log, as far as I'm aware. If one was to be automatically generated by the *.run script, please tell me where to look in the filesystem for such a thing, and approximately what sort of filename structure I should be looking for.

Otherwise, whatever help can be provided, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to get a second display running on this thing, plz. If I can help you help me -- I'm glad to do it :) I promise I'm friendly.

I just want this to work. What can I do to help you get me going?

EDIT [just over 4hrs later, no replies and *very* few more views] -- ooor I'll just sit here like a dog with a teeny cowboy hat and a coffee mug... and maybe a slight domestic combustion issue that somehow doesn't seem terribly concerning.

This is fine. /sips coffee

starhawk 12-02-2021 11:49 PM

Y'know, this is one of the top reasons that, as a customer of a given company, I absolutely *hate* hearing "Just use our free support forums!".

The forums are almost universally a ghost town. Almost guaranteed, nobody from the company proper was ever there to begin with, and the entire userbase very quickly gives up and goes home as a result, because without any actual access to someone with corporate intranet privileges, the 'support' offered by such a forum is roughly equivalent to AudioVox's rather legendary record on the matter.

I posted this thread yesterday afternoon. There's two other threads that have popped up since. None of us have gotten any replies. None of us have gotten any help.

Effective immediately, pending a successful resolution to this issue, or at least a reasonable good-faith effort that directly involves someone working for DisplayLink as a corporate employee in a technical or other customer support role making at least a notable contribution to the described resolution and/or effort, I have purchased the last device I will ever buy knowing it has DisplayLink intellectual property (IP), or *likely* has DisplayLink IP, within it. I will also actively discourage friends and family from purchasing the same, when and where I can, and do my best to explain the issue and advise them on potential alternatives.

I don't care if you notice as a corporation. I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for *me*. If this is what having your products does to my life, I am looking forward to avoiding them. Of course, if there are enough of us who get to feeling that way... ;)

starhawk 12-07-2021 03:47 AM

Assistance is still required.

48hrs remaining.

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