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-   -   Linux 5.9 and Display Link (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67372)

andy_g 10-12-2020 08:46 AM

Linux 5.9 and Display Link
Hi all

As per my earlier post here about getting Display Link drivers working on (K)Ubuntu 20.04 I have also been having no issues on the later 5.8.13 and 5.8.14 kernels but when updating to test the 5.9 kernel this morning I get nothing. Display Link doesn't even seem to start as I can't find the process running.

I haven't tried manually running the Display Link process etc yet as I have work to do but wanted to give others a heads up that it's probably best to stick on the >5.8.8 Kernels for now but if anyone has any tips or things for me to try on 5.9 later I'm happy to try.

bnavigator 10-19-2020 10:55 PM

You have to patch the kernel module
Hello Ubuntu Users,

DisplayLink can work with the newest kernel 5.9, but you have to patch the kernel module manually.
The issue is discussed here: https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/issues/225

1. Unzip the DisplayLink package and extract the inner archive


unzip 'DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Ubuntu 5.3.1.zip'
chmod +x displaylink-driver-
./displaylink-driver- --noexec --keep

2. Patch evdi-1.7.0 with #228 or clone directly


tar xf v1.7.0.tar.gz
pushd evdi-1.7.0
patch -p1 < ../228.patch



git clone https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi.git evdi-1.7.0
pushd evdi-1.7.0
git fetch origin pull/228/head
git checkout -b pr228 FETCH_HEAD

3. Replace evdi


rm displaylink-driver-
pushd evdi-1.7.0
tar cf evdi.tar.gz *
cp evdi.tar.gz ../displaylink-driver-

4. Install displaylink


cd displaylink-driver-
sudo ./displaylink-installer.sh install

However, we did not get feedback from any reasonably skilled Ubuntu user that these instructions are complete for Ubuntu.

The patch has been sucessfully tested on Archlinux and openSUSE.

alha 10-20-2020 07:19 AM



Originally Posted by bnavigator (Post 90853)
However, we did not get feedback from any reasonably skilled Ubuntu user that these instructions are complete for Ubuntu.

I just tested this and can confirm it to be working on Linux Mint 20 (Ubuntu 20.04 base) w/ Kernel 5.9.1.

Thanks a lot.

andy_g 10-20-2020 07:43 AM

Thanks for posting those instructions and I might try later but for now I'm just dropping back down to 5.8.X when I'm using DisplayLink as I'm worried, (as per some on that original thread) that this 5.9 patch will break 5.8.X :confused:

5.9 seems stable and I haven't hit any issues so far but haven't got hours to debug at the moment so might just stick on 5.8 until things are a bit more complete.

bnavigator 10-20-2020 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 90856)
(as per some on that original thread) that this 5.9 patch will break 5.8.X :confused:

No need to worry in this regard. The voiced concerns in the original thread do have no factual grounds. If you look into the patch you will see all the modifications are wrapped in preprocessor macros to discriminate between kernel versions as it is already the case for API changes in previous kernels.

The way the evdi kernel module works: For every installed kernel version, DKMS compiles and installs a kernel module against the correct kernel headers.

You can switch between installed kernels and its respective kernel modules in your bootloader menu.

andy_g 10-20-2020 12:45 PM

Ok thanks for that follow up clarification - if I get a chance I will have a go.

Crashdummy 11-04-2020 05:26 PM

DisplayPort not working
1 Attachment(s)
Hello there,

I hope this is still the valid topic for my question.

I am able to install the displaylink driver quite fine, however the Monitors connected thorugh Displayports refuse to work with this kernel.

I did a clean install of Pop OS 20.10.


|19:07:02|crashdummy@pop-os:[~]> uname -a && lsb_release -a
Linux pop-os 5.9.3-surface #1 SMP Wed Nov 4 03:03:11 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:        Pop
Description:        Pop!_OS 20.10
Release:        20.10
Codename:        groovy


|18:59:24|crashdummy@pop-os:[~]> lsmod | grep evdi
evdi                  53248  4
drm_kms_helper        221184  2 evdi,i915
syscopyarea            16384  2 drm_kms_helper,evdi
sysfillrect            16384  2 drm_kms_helper,evdi
sysimgblt              16384  2 drm_kms_helper,evdi
drm                  544768  14 drm_kms_helper,evdi,i915

|18:59:25|crashdummy@pop-os:[~]> sudo dkms status
[sudo] password for crashdummy:
evdi, 1.7.0, 5.9.3-surface, x86_64: installed
system76, 1.0.9~1597073326~20.10~5b01933, 5.8.0-7625-generic, x86_64: installed
system76, 1.0.9~1597073326~20.10~5b01933, 5.9.1-surface, x86_64: installed
system76, 1.0.9~1597073326~20.10~5b01933, 5.9.3-surface, x86_64: installed
system76_acpi, 1.0.2~1600812457~20.10~0bc966c, 5.8.0-7625-generic, x86_64: installed (original_module exists)
system76_acpi, 1.0.2~1600812457~20.10~0bc966c, 5.9.1-surface, x86_64: installed (original_module exists)
system76_acpi, 1.0.2~1600812457~20.10~0bc966c, 5.9.3-surface, x86_64: installed (original_module exists)
system76-io, 1.0.1~1559663713~20.10~ea5f61a, 5.8.0-7625-generic, x86_64: installed
system76-io, 1.0.1~1559663713~20.10~ea5f61a, 5.9.1-surface, x86_64: installed
system76-io, 1.0.1~1559663713~20.10~ea5f61a, 5.9.3-surface, x86_64: installed

|18:59:36|crashdummy@pop-os:[~]> xrandr --listmonitors
Monitors: 2
 0: +XWAYLAND0 2736/260x1824/170+2560+239  XWAYLAND0
 1: +XWAYLAND1 2560/700x1440/400+0+0  XWAYLAND1

I am using This Dock from i-tec

I did all these steps as instructed.
The only way the monitors can produce some output is by connecting them with HDMI.
As this dock has only one HDMI Port I can't work around this issue for now...

I use This Lenovo USB-C Dock frequently, too.
The Displays here are connect with displayports only, thus no display can be connected at all.

Both dockings were working quite fine till Kernel 5.7 ( haven't tested since then )

Logs have been attached

Update: Restarting the displaylink service appears to get the second monitor to run:


|12:44:33|crashdummy@pop-os:[~]> sudo systemctl restart displaylink-driver
|12:44:33|crashdummy@pop-os:[~]> systemctl status displaylink-driver
● displaylink-driver.service - DisplayLink Driver Service
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/displaylink-driver.service; static)
    Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-11-28 12:44:26 CET; 37s ago
    Process: 19260 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c modprobe evdi || (dkms install $(ls -t /usr/src | grep evdi | head -n1  | sed -e "s:-:/:") && modprobe evdi) (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Main PID: 19262 (DisplayLinkMana)
      Tasks: 48 (limit: 8913)
    Memory: 73.9M
    CGroup: /system.slice/displaylink-driver.service
            └─19262 /opt/displaylink/DisplayLinkManager

Nov 28 12:44:26 pop-os systemd[1]: Starting DisplayLink Driver Service...
Nov 28 12:44:26 pop-os systemd[1]: Started DisplayLink Driver Service.

abutaha 11-09-2020 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by bnavigator (Post 90853)
Hello Ubuntu Users,

DisplayLink can work with the newest kernel 5.9, but you have to patch the kernel module manually.
The issue is discussed here: https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/issues/225

1. Unzip the DisplayLink package and extract the inner archive


unzip 'DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Ubuntu 5.3.1.zip'
chmod +x displaylink-driver-
./displaylink-driver- --noexec --keep

2. Patch evdi-1.7.0 with #228 or clone directly


tar xf v1.7.0.tar.gz
pushd evdi-1.7.0
patch -p1 < ../228.patch



git clone https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi.git evdi-1.7.0
pushd evdi-1.7.0
git fetch origin pull/228/head
git checkout -b pr228 FETCH_HEAD

3. Replace evdi


rm displaylink-driver-
pushd evdi-1.7.0
tar cf evdi.tar.gz *
cp evdi.tar.gz ../displaylink-driver-

4. Install displaylink


cd displaylink-driver-
sudo ./displaylink-installer.sh install

However, we did not get feedback from any reasonably skilled Ubuntu user that these instructions are complete for Ubuntu.

The patch has been sucessfully tested on Archlinux and openSUSE.


Following the patch steps work on Ubuntu 20.10 with distro's default kernel (5.8.0-26-generic)

RobstaRobotard 11-22-2020 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by abutaha (Post 90925)

Following the patch steps work on Ubuntu 20.10 with distro's default kernel (5.8.0-26-generic)

Yes, Abutaha, this was working fantastically for me as well in 5.8... But there are issues with 5.9 as mentioned, which could be addressed more thoroughly by any reasonable maintenance guy as highlighted in the linked post that has brought us all here ;)

Since we're all here and not mentioning names. I mean, that would be unreasonable... Perhaps we can collectively be more conducive and indicate which DisplayLink build we're running, which kernel version, and which EVDI version too... If we can indicate what works and what doesn't too?

For me I've tried the instructions above on 5.9 under Ubuntu 20.10 (which also worked on 5.8.*) prior and have offered logs as well...

andy_g 11-30-2020 08:19 AM

Just wanted to say thanks for the detailed steps to get things working on 5.9.X as I finally did these today :cool:

With kernel 5.10 nearly here will this workaround continue to also work for 5.10 :confused:

sick.codes 11-30-2020 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 91060)
Just wanted to say thanks for the detailed steps to get things working on 5.9.X as I finally did these today :cool:

With kernel 5.10 nearly here will this workaround continue to also work for 5.10 :confused:

Confirming 1.7* works on 5.10rc6 :D


andy_g 12-01-2020 07:21 AM

Thanks for confirming that this also works on 5.10.X

RobstaRobotard 12-01-2020 10:50 PM

Working on 5.9.10
With a lot of help from SicklCodes I've finally got my Displaylink working under 5.9.10...

I had previously followed the patch from post 2, but this did not appear to work... Among trying lots of different fixes, it seems that a patch from SickCodes' repo seemed to bring it all together...

git clone https://github.com/sickcodes/evdi.git
cd evdi
git checkout -f master
sudo make install

It would be great if this could be included with the current DisplayLink offering

It also seems as though the displaylink-driver.service was not starting automatically., but was found to be present from typing 'systemctl status display' and tapping tab twice (without hitting enter).

You can then test whether it will start with 'sudo systemctl start displaylink-driver.service'

This worked for me to bring my additional 2 displays (1xHDMI and 1xDVI) from my DisplayLink adapter... I also had the HDMI straight from my Ryzen 7 laptop (with Nvidia MX350) working in parallel with the DVI from the DisplayLink alongside the laptop screen...

Xros 12-10-2020 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by bnavigator (Post 90853)
Hello Ubuntu Users,

DisplayLink can work with the newest kernel 5.9, but you have to patch the kernel module manually.
The issue is discussed here: https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi/issues/225

1. Unzip the DisplayLink package and extract the inner archive


unzip 'DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Ubuntu 5.3.1.zip'
chmod +x displaylink-driver-
./displaylink-driver- --noexec --keep

2. Patch evdi-1.7.0 with #228 or clone directly


tar xf v1.7.0.tar.gz
pushd evdi-1.7.0
patch -p1 < ../228.patch



git clone https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi.git evdi-1.7.0
pushd evdi-1.7.0
git fetch origin pull/228/head
git checkout -b pr228 FETCH_HEAD

3. Replace evdi


rm displaylink-driver-
pushd evdi-1.7.0
tar cf evdi.tar.gz *
cp evdi.tar.gz ../displaylink-driver-

4. Install displaylink


cd displaylink-driver-
sudo ./displaylink-installer.sh install

However, we did not get feedback from any reasonably skilled Ubuntu user that these instructions are complete for Ubuntu.

The patch has been sucessfully tested on Archlinux and openSUSE.

I followed these commands in Ubuntu 20.04.01 and I had no problems until I tried to install the drivers and I got this:


DisplayLink Linux Software install script called: install
Distribution discovered: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Unsatisfied dependencies. Missing component: Linux headers for running kernel, 5.9.7-050907-generic.
This is a fatal error, cannot install DisplayLink Linux Software.

May the 5.9.7 kernel version to be too high?

andy_g 12-10-2020 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Xros (Post 91111)
May the 5.9.7 kernel version to be too high?

No I am on 5.9.12 and all is working well. Try doing all the steps again with displaylink removed before hand maybe :confused:

andy_g 12-16-2020 07:45 AM

The new mainline 5.10 and 5.10.1 aren't working for me but I did notice some message when I installed these about EVDI so maybe I need to run the process again?

I've dropped back down to 5.9.X today as I have loads of work on.

Crashdummy 12-17-2020 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 91156)
The new mainline 5.10 and 5.10.1 aren't working for me but I did notice some message when I installed these about EVDI so maybe I need to run the process again?

I've dropped back down to 5.9.X today as I have loads of work on.

You need to use evdi 1.7.2 See the announcement.

Just follow the steps from page one but use the 1.7.2 release rather than cloning/patching

andy_g 12-17-2020 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Crashdummy (Post 91178)
You need to use evdi 1.7.2 See the announcement.

Just follow the steps from page one but use the 1.7.2 release rather than cloning/patching

Thanks for the heads up on that

nvergontbij 01-01-2021 09:59 PM

As per January, 1st 2021, all changes have been pushed to branch v.1.7.x: #225.

The updated (simpler) instructions are the following:

1. Download the DisplayLink driver from [the official download page](https://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu). Then run the following commands:


    unzip 'DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Ubuntu 5.3.1.zip'
    chmod +x displaylink-driver-
    ./displaylink-driver- --noexec --keep

2. Get the updated evdi version by typing:


    git clone https://github.com/DisplayLink/evdi.git
    cd evdi
    git checkout v1.7.x
    tar cf evdi.tar.gz *
    cp evdi.tar.gz ../displaylink-driver-

3. Install displaylink:

    cd ../displaylink-driver-
    sudo ./displaylink-installer.sh install

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, kernel version 5.10.2 (-surface).
Hope that helps.

RobstaRobotard 01-04-2021 12:23 AM

Hope this helps....
I've put together a build script that I use already for my Ubuntu setup... Working for 5.9.16, and just installing 5.10.4 to test that too... But the results from above already speak for themselves... (Thank you bro :) )

Hopefully this can simplify the process...

It downloads the current DisplayLink, then updates the EVDI folder from the above instructions...


[AS PER BELOW - I've updated my script to allow for newer DisplayLink updated to not be automatically be patched]

You may also need to run this to start the service after reboot:

sudo systemctl start displaylink-driver.service

Let me know if it helps :)

RobstaRobotard 01-04-2021 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by RobstaRobotard (Post 91275)
I've put together a build script that I use already for my Ubuntu setup... Working for 5.9.16, and just installing 5.10.4 to test that too... But the results from above already speak for themselves... (Thank you bro :) )

Hopefully this can simplify the process...

It downloads the current DisplayLink, then updates the EVDI folder from the above instructions...


You may also need to run this to start the service after reboot:

sudo systemctl start displaylink-driver.service

Let me know if it helps :)

I could probably expand upon it to check whether the current Displaylink is above and install that without the need for any patches, but that's on DisplayLink to fix their sh$t first...

RobstaRobotard 01-04-2021 02:24 AM

Hopefully updated the script for newer DisplayLink releases...

Please let me know if it works for you and always...

** Test with your own care**

andy_g 01-04-2021 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by RobstaRobotard (Post 91275)
I've put together a build script that I use already for my Ubuntu setup... Working for 5.9.16, and just installing 5.10.4 to test that too... But the results from above already speak for themselves... (Thank you bro :) )

Hopefully this can simplify the process...

It downloads the current DisplayLink, then updates the EVDI folder from the above instructions...


[AS PER BELOW - I've updated my script to allow for newer DisplayLink updated to not be automatically be patched]

You may also need to run this to start the service after reboot:

sudo systemctl start displaylink-driver.service

Let me know if it helps :)

Thanks for this but I'm getting a 404 trying to download your script?


Originally Posted by nvergontbij (Post 91259)
As per January, 1st 2021, all changes have been pushed to branch v.1.7.x: #225.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, kernel version 5.10.2 (-surface).
Hope that helps.

Yep that works perfect for me on 5.10.4 0 - thanks so much!

GeFar 01-04-2021 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 91278)
Thanks for this but I'm getting a 404 trying to download your script?

Yep that works perfect for me on 5.10.4 0 - thanks so much!

20.10 + 5.10.4 = Still does not work for me:

Sympthoms are exactly the same (I see monitors plugged to the dock... but those all are forced disabled...).
Not a harware problem. (Still wroks fine in Windows, but stopped to work in Linux).

andy_g 01-04-2021 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by GeFar (Post 91282)
20.10 + 5.10.4 = Still does not work for me:

Sympthoms are exactly the same (I see monitors plugged to the dock... but those all are forced disabled...).
Not a harware problem. (Still wroks fine in Windows, but stopped to work in Linux).

Have you tried following the steps EXACTLY as per post #19 in this thread here as I just did that and it's working fine for me:confused:

GeFar 01-04-2021 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 91283)
Have you tried following the steps EXACTLY as per post #19 in this thread here as I just did that and it's working fine for me:confused:

1. De-installed displaylink completly and rebooted.
2. Installed doing exactly these steps and rebooted.
3. No changes for me. (As on video from my post, monitors are forced to be disabled whatever I did)

nvergontbij 01-04-2021 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by RobstaRobotard (Post 91277)
Hopefully updated the script for newer DisplayLink releases...

Please let me know if it works for you and always...

** Test with your own care**

'There doesn't seem to be anything here...' :)
Is there a chance your ubuntu-setup repo is private? If you want to keep it that way, a gist could get the job done!

GeFar 01-05-2021 12:17 PM

Fixed for me now...

Exact way:

RobstaRobotard 01-07-2021 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by nvergontbij (Post 91285)
'There doesn't seem to be anything here...' :)
Is there a chance your ubuntu-setup repo is private? If you want to keep it that way, a gist could get the job done!

Ooh, not intentionally, but just a note that the EVDI one is broken again on 5.10.5...

Works fine on 5.10.4 though...

The original EVDI one, not from my missing script (adding in a second)

RobstaRobotard 01-07-2021 02:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by GeFar (Post 91294)

This working for 5.10.5 also? I've got as far as 5.10.4 working... 5.10.5 was released on 6/01/21...

Logs attached here...

RobstaRobotard 01-07-2021 02:54 AM

For those interested:

This was the link to my installer using the fix that was working fine for 5.10.4


Shouldn't be private now...

andy_g 01-07-2021 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by RobstaRobotard (Post 91303)
Ooh, not intentionally, but just a note that the EVDI one is broken again on 5.10.5...Works fine on 5.10.4 though...

What changed, in simple terms :confused:

RobstaRobotard 01-11-2021 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 91306)
What changed, in simple terms :confused:

I've posted support logs a few posts above... Display worked in 5.10.4, then 5.10.5 suddenly not...

drlele 01-14-2021 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by nvergontbij (Post 91259)
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, kernel version 5.10.2 (-surface).
Hope that helps.

Just tried this on Kubuntu 20.04.1 with kernel version 5.10.0 and got:


DisplayLink Linux Software install script called: install
Distribution discovered: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Unsatisfied dependencies. Missing component: Linux headers for running kernel, 5.10.0-051000-generic.

Trying to install kernel 5.10.2 now...

Different issue on 5.10.2: it seemed to install fine but couldn't find the evdi 1.7.2 binaries. Sadly I lost the log, will try again later.

andy_g 01-22-2021 06:49 AM

Hey all

Just to let you know everything is now working fine again on the latest 5.10.9 kernel for me after not working on 5.10.5 but working on 5..10.4 as per my earlier post.

drlele 01-23-2021 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 91465)
Just to let you know everything is now working fine again on the latest 5.10.9 kernel for me

Did you install normally or with the method from this thread?

If with the method: which evdi version did you use?

andy_g 01-27-2021 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by andy_g (Post 91278)
Yep that works perfect for me on 5.10.4 0 - thanks so much!

See my previous post @drlele

drlele 02-25-2021 09:05 AM

It works now!
Finally it worked with kernel 5.9.16 and with evdi 1.7.x on my Thinkpad T490!

Neither 5.8 or 5.10 worked at all with the same procedure, so I guesse trial and error was necessary :D

Crashdummy 03-08-2021 10:53 PM

Anyone got it to work with 5.11.2 ??

I could do everything just fine until recently when I upgraded my kernel to 5.11.2

I can't even install evdi anymore...


DisplayLink Linux Software install script called: install
Distribution discovered: Pop!_OS 20.10


[ Installing EVDI ]
[[ Installing EVDI DKMS module ]]

Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/evdi/1.7.2/source ->

DKMS: add completed.

Kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel.  Skipping...

Building module:
cleaning build area...
make -j8 KERNELRELEASE=5.11.2-surface all INCLUDEDIR=/lib/modules/5.11.2-surface/build/include KVERSION=5.11.2-surface DKMS_BUILD=1...(bad exit status: 2)
ERROR (dkms apport): binary package for evdi: 1.7.2 not found
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.11.2-surface (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/evdi/1.7.2/build/make.log for more information.
ERROR: Failed to install evdi/ to the kernel tree.

Crashdummy 03-24-2021 05:52 PM

Can at least install now
I was able to install it using the changes of this PR.


unzip 'DisplayLink*.zip'
chmod +x displaylink-driver-
./displaylink-driver- --noexec --keep

git clone --branch linux-5.11-ftbfs-fix https://github.com/piso77/evdi.git
cd evdi
tar cf evdi.tar.gz *
cp evdi.tar.gz ../displaylink-driver-

cd ../displaylink-driver-
sudo ./displaylink-installer.sh install

Displaylink yet not working....
evdi is installed and DisplayLinkManager running.

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