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sse 08-05-2011 06:37 PM

graphics performance drop after system sleep
After system sleep (suspend to ram / standby) I experience a severe drop in graphics performance, e.g. sluggish scrolling / GUI animations.

Occurs even if I haven't connected a display via displaylink.

After reboot, performance is normal.

My system specs:

10.7 driver beta 3
Mac OS X Lion 10.7 Build 11A2063
MacBookAir 4,2 (Core i7 1.8GHz, Intel HD Graphics 3000)

ChristianP 08-08-2011 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by sse (Post 4035)
After system sleep (suspend to ram / standby) I experience a severe drop in graphics performance, e.g. sluggish scrolling / GUI animations.

Occurs even if I haven't connected a display via displaylink.

After reboot, performance is normal.

My system specs:

10.7 driver beta 3
Mac OS X Lion 10.7 Build 11A2063
MacBookAir 4,2 (Core i7 1.8GHz, Intel HD Graphics 3000)

Could you check using the Activity monitor app the DisplayLinkManager process CPU usage when you notice a performance drop? Could you also please use the debug tool here http://www.displaylink.com/support/ticket.php?id=269 and post the output file? Thanks

sse 08-10-2011 03:35 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks for your reply.

I conducted the tests without a DisplayLink adapter connected, as the problem occurs either way, maybe you can rule out some sources this way. If you want me to repeat the tests with an adapter connected, I can do so.

I only see the process "DisplayLinkUserAgent", of which no increase in CPU usage can be noticed after system sleep and the performance drop (about 0.2% before and after)

ChristianP 08-11-2011 09:31 AM

Thanks for the debug information. Unfortunately no weird DL-related activity are logged after wakeup.
Could you please try to uninstall and reinstall the driver 1.7b3 (we had a similar issue solved just after reinstalling the driver)? Just to be sure, check if the issue is not reproducible after uninstalling the driver. Thanks

MJedi 08-11-2011 04:09 PM

I have been experiencing the exact issue on my 2011 MacBook Air with the beta 3 driver. I have uninstalled the driver, and the performance after the MBA wakes up is back to normal. When I reinstall the beta 3 driver, the same problem comes back.

ChristianP 08-12-2011 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by MJedi (Post 4142)
I have been experiencing the exact issue on my 2011 MacBook Air with the beta 3 driver. I have uninstalled the driver, and the performance after the MBA wakes up is back to normal. When I reinstall the beta 3 driver, the same problem comes back.

Thanks for your report. It sounds like a possible compatibility issue of our kernel extension with the 2011 MacBookAir models. We're going to investigate the issue.

James van Dyke 08-12-2011 03:05 PM

I'm experiencing the same slowness with a brand new 2011 13" MacBook Pro. I also experience consistent, repeatable crashing at the fast user switching login screen. I currently cannot use the DisplayLink adapter because of these issues.

ChristianP 08-12-2011 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by James van Dyke (Post 4157)
I'm experiencing the same slowness with a brand new 2011 13" MacBook Pro. I also experience consistent, repeatable crashing at the fast user switching login screen. I currently cannot use the DisplayLink adapter because of these issues.

Could you post any crash log? Would help also if you could use the tool here:http://www.displaylink.com/support/ticket.php?id=269 and post the log output. Thanks

MJedi 08-12-2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by ChristianP (Post 4154)
Thanks for your report. It sounds like a possible compatibility issue of our kernel extension with the 2011 MacBookAir models. We're going to investigate the issue.

Thanks for working on this. I use this product at work daily, and it would be great to have this issue resolved.

ChristianP 08-19-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by James van Dyke (Post 4157)
I'm experiencing the same slowness with a brand new 2011 13" MacBook Pro. I also experience consistent, repeatable crashing at the fast user switching login screen. I currently cannot use the DisplayLink adapter because of these issues.

Do you still see the issue in 10.7.1? In case, could you please confirm that the performance drop and the crash can be seen even if the adapter is not plugged in (with just DisplayLink driver installed)? Could you also please post any crash log and collect debug information after the crash using the tool here http://www.displaylink.com/support/ticket.php?id=269? Thanks

ChristianP 08-19-2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by ChristianP (Post 4154)
Thanks for your report. It sounds like a possible compatibility issue of our kernel extension with the 2011 MacBookAir models. We're going to investigate the issue.

If you are able to easily replicate the issue, could you please test the issue without the adapter plugged in (just DisplayLink driver installed) and collect debug information using the tool here http://www.displaylink.com/support/ticket.php?id=269? Thanks

sse 08-20-2011 09:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Unfortunately, the problem persists after the 10.7.1 upgrade. Debug information collected after triggering the problem through system sleep attached. Thanks for working on this!

Edit: as requested, no DisplayLink adapter or external display (via DisplayPort) was attached during the test

msaspence 08-25-2011 08:08 AM

Same problem
3 Attachment(s)
I am also having the same problem

I'm on a 10.7.1 2011 2.3 GHz 13" MacBook Pro

Scroll and some animations choppy after sleep, fine again after reboot
Some not affected (finder's scroll for example is fine)
Uninstalling the driver fixes
Reinstalling has the same problem
Am on beta 3

Attached info zips are with out the usb device plugged in

ChristianP 08-26-2011 10:18 PM

Thanks for the logs.We are investigating the issue. It seems a kernel extension issue with power management on 2011 models.

gur 09-05-2011 03:09 PM

Graphic Performance issue after sleep

I experience this issue as well on my MBP 2011 i5 2.3GHZ.

I tried to reinstall Lion and drivers but this issue appear again.

Please inform us about the status of this issue.

Do you have any workaround or solutions?


msaspence 09-15-2011 08:56 AM

whats the latest
What's the latest on this?
It is still happening for me on beta 4
And it is not in the known issues list

patrickdempsey 09-29-2011 11:34 PM

Having the Same Problem on Macbook Air
I am certainly having the same issue on version 3 and 4 of the beta.

After the Macbook goes to sleep (with the DisplayLink Beta 4 for the 1.7 installed), it is then slow on scrolling/zooming graphics upon resuming from sleep. The Activity Monitor isn't being overtaxed...I have the fully maxed out Macbook Air 1.8 with 4GB ram and the % of CPU usage never going much above 12% when scrolling in Safari.

It is strange because it seems to primarily impact Safari and Chrome's ability to scroll smoothly and quickly. PDFs and Word documents are also impacted in their scrolling, albeit less than web pages. Moving windows around on the screen and playing movies does not appear to be impacted at all. Ironically, scrolling on a page with an actively playing flash video fixes the problem...and it is also fixed when I pause the flash video...but it goes back to the same jerky and slow web scrolling when I go back to a regular webpage. For example, scrolling up and down when 720p flash video from Vimeo or Youtube is being played in the browser window is butter smooth...but going back to the home page of Vimeo or Youtube makes the jerky/slow scroll/zoom return immediately.

The problem persists even after disconnecting the displaylink and even when on the Macbook's native screen only.

The problem is fully resolved by a reboot.

After another sleep session, the problem returns with the same symptoms as listed above.

If I uninstall the Displaylink Driver, the problem never appears, even after sleep sessions. The problem returns upon reinstalling the Displaylink driver.

This leads me to believe that it is definitely being cause by the Displaylink driver. It is not a CPU resource issue or even a purely graphics resource issue because the problem is temporarily resolved by scrolling on a page that has active playback of flash video. Don't know much about this type of technology, but it would seem that resources are being directed AWAY from scrolling unnecessarily after sleep when this driver is installed.

I can do a video and send it in of the symptoms if requested...the problem can be replicated 100% of the time under the conditions above.

Patrick Dempsey
Processor 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1 (11B2118)

ChristianP 09-30-2011 08:30 AM

Thanks Patrick for the detailed report. We are still trying to replicate and understand the issue. I assume the issue happens even if the adapter is not plugged in, is that correct?Could you please use the debug tool here http://www.displaylink.com/support/ticket.php?id=269, collect the info after seeing the scrolling issue and post the output file? A video of the scrolling issue would also help. Thanks

patrickdempsey 09-30-2011 03:30 PM

Video of Error in Scrolling
Here is a follow-up video where I show the examples of the scrolling problem that occurs after awaking from sleep.


patrickdempsey 09-30-2011 04:05 PM

Log File...
I have also created a log file "DisplayLinkInformation.zip"...please let me know where I should post/send the log file.

ChristianP 09-30-2011 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by patrickdempsey (Post 4648)
Here is a follow-up video where I show the examples of the scrolling problem that occurs after awaking from sleep.


Thanks for the video, it's very helpful in investigating the issue. I let you know as soon as we progress on this.

patrickdempsey 10-03-2011 03:38 PM

Any updates on this issue?
Just checking in to see if anyone has found a solution or workaround other than temporarily uninstalling the driver when I don't need the second monitor...

jaddison 10-07-2011 02:01 AM

I picked up a brand new 2011 MBA to replace my old ThinkPad running Ubuntu, specifically because of Linux DisplayLink driver issues (color depth, multiple monitors, etc).

While I like the MBA and will likely hang on to it, I ran into the issue mentioned in this thread and it took me a couple of days to track down that the issue was with DisplayLink itself. I understand that it is a beta driver I'm using, so I can't be too upset, but would love to know when this will be fixed. I am in the same situation I was in with Ubuntu right now - a single external monitor via mini-displayport... USB/DisplayLink is unusable, unfortunately.

If I can help in any way to test or whatnot, please do email/PM me.


Twist 10-07-2011 07:10 PM

I'm also encountering this behavior on a new 2011 11" MacBook Air. The triggers are as described in Patrick's account above.

In case it's useful in pigeonholing applications using certain graphics modes, I thought I'd mention that VMware Fusion 4 is dramatically affected by this issue. There is noticeable UI stuttering within VMware windows, and window dragging (either in full window or unity mode) is terribly jerky. Dragging windows from other applications does not seem to incur the same performance penalty.

patrickdempsey 10-13-2011 05:13 PM

Problem persists...looks like a return is the only option...
This problem makes the macbook almost unusable. It is so jerky that it makes it hard to browse the web or read documents. I purchased this to increase my productivity at work, and now it has the opposite impact. Slows me down and makes me feel like I am on an old 486 computer. Since it doesn't appear that anyone is even aware of a method to solve this problem, must less near a solution, I think I will just have to return my unit.

Hope the fix this someday as it would be a great product!


Twist 10-13-2011 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by patrickdempsey (Post 4770)
This problem makes the macbook almost unusable....

Give OS X 10.7.2 a spin before you send that adapter back. As mentioned by cshbell in this thread, the recent update from Apple has resolved my DisplayLink performance problems almost entirely.

Twist 10-14-2011 07:14 AM

...emphasis on the almost. I just saw the performance degradation manifest again after a display detection problem forced me to run a manual detect. A reboot cleared it up and a sleep/wake cycle is not immediately triggering the problem again, but the problem appears to remain in some cases.

I don't know if it's related yet, but my Air is having trouble staying awake in clamshell mode all of the sudden. It returns to sleep after a few seconds of inactivity.

If I can determine a reliable trigger for the DisplayLink performance problems, I'll mention it here.

patrickdempsey 10-14-2011 02:38 PM

Does it appear to matter what brand of DisplayLink based device is being used? I wonder if swapping to a different brand of DisplayLink would work better...

msaspence 10-17-2011 05:46 PM

I can confirm that the 10.7.2 update has fixed this for me also

ChristianP 10-18-2011 12:50 PM

We have been able to replicate the issue in our labs. The issue seems to affect 2011 models with an Intel gfx card. The 10.7.2 update fixed the issue. Let me know if you still see the issue after the update. Thanks

jaddison 10-27-2011 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by ChristianP (Post 4803)
We have been able to replicate the issue in our labs. The issue seems to affect 2011 models with an Intel gfx card. The 10.7.2 update fixed the issue. Let me know if you still see the issue after the update. Thanks

I'm still seeing the laggy performance, but it doesn't show up as consistently as before. Because of this, I cannot say specifically that it is still DisplayLink related - I've removed the driver and will see if the issue returns.

I try not to shut down or reboot my new MBA 2011 very often, so sleeping and resuming is fairly frequent with me. I also sleep with multiple monitors plugged in (1 mini display port, 1 displaylink, along with the laptop screen) and frequently resume without being plugged into any external monitors - or sometimes a single (different) monitor via mini display port. That might be a part of it, I am unsure.


yingxuy 11-15-2011 05:23 AM

Active roll to play Flash video on the page to solve this problem ... it is fixed, when I pause Flash video ... but it can be traced back to the same page scrolling is slow and jerky, and when I return to an ordinary web page.

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