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aprimatic 08-20-2014 12:44 AM

Thank you very much for this new utility.

I works very well for me !

Vald 10-19-2014 05:12 PM

It's still present in 7.7.

No surprise.

Why do I even bother hoping that each new version will fix a critical bug that has existed for at least 2 years now?

TallonIV123 12-06-2014 12:36 AM

Is there any news on a fix for this?

If it helps at all, right clicking any game and putting it in compatibility mode (for any operating system) seems to fix most games. I have yet to come across one that this doesn't work for and i've played hundreds of different games. Would be really nice to not have to do this everytime I install a game though (especially since I have to navigate to the steam folder and do it to the game executable for all steam games).

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