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-   -   Display link software causing TaskBar (Start,Cortana,edge) to crash (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63963)

lokinz 08-09-2015 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by qwantz (Post 78011)
I've got this problem too. It's a Lenovo W541 (so two display adapters) and upon boot all Modern UI apps fail, with the RPC failing in the Event Log. It goes away when I uninstall the Displaylink drivers.

A fix for this would be great, because not being able to use the Start menu is sort of a big deal.

It's a pain yeah. I have installed classic shell for now. One way to get a working start menu.

robmc5 08-12-2015 01:37 PM

Event log error
I also have the same problem, actually three of the user in my office are using Display Link Adaptors and have this issue. Here are the log entries -

Event Viewer App log -
Activation of app Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdg e failed with error: The remote procedure call failed. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.

Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI log -
Activation of the app Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdg e for the Windows.Protocol contract failed with error: The remote procedure call failed..

I started another thread before I saw this one, sorry but this is really frustrating, any help would be greatly appreciated.

ratbone 08-12-2015 06:50 PM

I have the identical issue as proels I run a MIMO monitor as a secondary monitor on my workstation I have a Nvidia GEForce 570 Video card as my primary graphic card.

when both the Nvidia driver and the display link driver are installed I had massive grief with weird display effects which primarily effected the tooltips, windows explorer crashes and also caused multiple BSOD.

I have reinstalled the OS 3 times and the only time I got a stable system is when I disconnected the MIMO monitor and avoided the automatic install of the Latest Windows 10 (7.9Mo) DisplayLink driver through windows update.

There is some serious conflict with the DisplayLink driver and with the latest Nvidia display driver in windows 10
The MIMO monitor will have to stay disconnected until this issue is resolved.

robmc5 08-12-2015 07:36 PM

I am also running the latest NVidia driver, I have the Quadro K1000M ver. I have not problems when using the NVidia only, just when the Display Links are connected. I have had the problem after an upgrade, and then a clean install of Professional and then Enterprise. Sometimes Edge will work, but the start menu and the other apps will crash immediately with the remote procedure call failed error.

I can disconnect the display links and reboot and everything works correctly. I have three other techs in my office with the same issue, but I also have two guys that everything works for them. They are using the same 7.9 driver I am, we are still trying to find out any other differences.

I hope DisplayLink is working on a solution, I have a lot of clients that are using the adaptor and want to upgrade to 10.

ratbone 08-12-2015 10:25 PM

hi robmc5
Initially everything works but after a few days windows explorer starts crashing triggering block shaped distortions of most windows tooltips. Then after a couple of BSOD linked to possible memory addressing issues the file system got corrupted. This happened 2 times after a clean install of Windows 10 professional.
This time I never connected the MIMO monitor so the DisplayLink driver never got installed. My event log is as clean as a whistle with only a few known windows warnings and errors which I'm dealing with. When I had the displayLink driver installed there were loads of errors all of the time.

Note: no changes in hardware or software for all 3 installs. just missing the DisplayLink Driver.

robmc5 08-13-2015 03:01 PM

Hey ratbone, same here. I am running fine without the Display Link drivers installed. It looks like we will not get a response from Display Link on the issue. I am currently researching different USB video adapters to replace the Display Links. I tried the Matrox and it worked great, except having the ability to rotate the displays. I will keep looking and hoping Display Links addresses the issue.

PaulJ 08-14-2015 09:48 AM

Hi all,

Thanks for your reporting of this issue. Note that we have seen it reported via other channels and are investigating. Unfortunately at this time we have no schedule for a fix but will let you know when this changes.


robmc5 08-14-2015 05:39 PM

Paul, thanks for the post. I will keep an eye on this forum for an update as well as the driver page. I am a technical manager for a MSP supporting over 2000 end points and a number of our clients have asked about upgrading to 10. I am sure we have well over 100 Displaylinks in the field, I know its not much but its a big part of our client base.

Thanks again!

ratbone 08-14-2015 06:59 PM

Thanks for the Update Paul. I will monitor this thread for news of the fix

ratbone 08-17-2015 01:08 PM

Just an update: I have contacted the monitor hardware manufacturer complaining about the current DisplayLink windows 10 driver compatibility issue. Mimo Monitors do not provide alternative drivers for DisplayLink. So their business will be also effected by this issue. Hopefully this intervention will accelerate the resolution of this issue. I have an expensive piece of hardware switched off and idle at the moment.

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