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-   -   Endless log spam _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: No matching context for device (https://displaylink.org/forum/showthread.php?t=62987)

MickM 05-15-2014 08:54 PM

I got a reply from the Notebook developer, and he found something interesting that I hope gives a clue to the DisplayLink developers:

Hi Mick,

NoteBook does not use OpenGL directly. OS X might be invoking it on NoteBook's behalf, but for what reason I have no idea. I don't know much about OpenGL or DisplayLink.

I Googled _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice to see if I could find any info to help you track it down. I ran across your post of this message, so you've read everything they had to say there. Here is the only other result that I thought might have some good info. It was talking about old drivers (kexts) of some sort. Search for _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice to see the comment:


MickM 05-16-2014 05:15 PM

So while things are better after zapping the PRAM, I've decided the console logging is still just way too crazy with normal use, so it's back to 2.1 for me. I'll keep (im)patiently waiting for the next beta. I know DisplayLink are implicating at Apple, but version 2.1 didn't log anything like this vast amount of stuff to the console.

D43m0n 07-09-2014 12:59 PM

Hmm, I'm on the 2.2 version of the driver (not the beta) on 10.9.4 and it's still spewing out these messages in Console.app. Two colleagues have exactly the same issue, one is on a MBA mid 2013, the other is on a 13" MBP (I believe 2012), my MBA is a mid 2012. We're all on 10.9.4.

I'll try zapping the PRAM. I've been waiting to use DisplayLink DL3xxx for more than a year since support was available and since then it's been a lot of issue's. This is another annoying one...

D43m0n 07-09-2014 02:18 PM

After zapping PRAM and resetting SMC on 10.9.4 with version 2.2 of the driver (not the beta) the "09-07-14 16:16:55,953 WindowServer[96]: _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: No matching context for device (0x7fd9a2e10050) - disabling OpenGL"

message is continuously repeating itself. Zapping PRAM hasn't made a difference at all...

D43m0n 07-15-2014 02:16 PM

Would you care to comment, DisplayLink?

Carlo 07-17-2014 04:20 PM


This is a known OS issue, triggered depending on the content being drawn on screen and depending on any SW on the system tracking the screen contents. I'm not aware of behavioural issues arising from these logs.

Apple has an internal bug for this, ID 14739701. If you want to raise its priority please open a new bug at bugreporter.apple.com.


D43m0n 07-29-2014 12:15 PM

I did raise a bug at Apple (17619820), they closed it as a duplicate of another issue (16585152). I can't see the details of other issues, only my own (I don't have a full developer account at Apple).

Carlo 08-15-2014 08:40 AM

Hi D43m0n,

No one external to Apple, even developers, can see other people's issues. This means that once Apple has admitted an issue is theirs nobody has any way to check the status. Through BugReporter at least.

There was a developer petition some time ago to raise the priority of this issue with Apple but I guess it fell short of its objective.

I've been assured that Apple looks at all issues and the number of reports for the same issue affects its priority so let's do everything we can. Hope.


BMT 09-17-2014 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Carlo (Post 75003)

This is a known OS issue, triggered depending on the content being drawn on screen and depending on any SW on the system tracking the screen contents. I'm not aware of behavioural issues arising from these logs.

Apple has an internal bug for this, ID 14739701. If you want to raise its priority please open a new bug at bugreporter.apple.com.


If it's an OS issue, rather than a kext issue, how is it that older versions of the DisplayLink software (2.1 for example) did not have this issue? - That suggests that it's the result of a change made by DisplayLink not the OS.

This issue is actually more serious than you might think, because the OS is constantly writing to your hard drive which is going to do anything but improve it's longevity.

I've got into the habit of running the following in Terminal on every boot, just to stop the constant writing to the disk (which can really add up if you're using the Mac 8 hours+/day):

sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.syslogd.plist
That stops syslogd from running, which has the side effect of disabling the logging from any applications that rely on it - it's far from ideal, but better IMO than the alternative of the constant log spam.

Carlo 09-18-2014 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by BMT (Post 75458)
If it's an OS issue, rather than a kext issue, how is it that older versions of the DisplayLink software (2.1 for example) did not have this issue? - That suggests that it's the result of a change made by DisplayLink not the OS.

In 2.2 we started using a new API for an important part of the driver. The previous API has been deprecated and its reliability was rapidly decaying with every new OS version.
The new API has benefits but has some issues as well, one of which is the log spamming in some situations. We have raised all issues with Apple.

I cannot share any more information on this I'm sorry


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