View Full Version : Using Ubuntu in multi-user.target mode (i.e. command line only)

03-24-2023, 09:24 PM
I am using a Plugable UD-6950H dock, with DL-6950 chipset, with a Ubuntu 22.04 system. It is working well with Ubuntu in its default configuration, but what I really want to do is to run Ubuntu with the GUI disabled and to see the command line interface through the dock's display output.

I disabled the GUI by running "sudo systemctl set-default multi-user" and rebooting. In this mode, my native HDMI port successfully displays the command line interface, but there is no display output from the dock.

I contacted Plugable support and learned that the DL driver service (/lib/systemd/system/displaylink-driver.service) is dependent on graphical.target in order to work. Therefore it does not work with multi-user.target.

Is there any way to modify the driver/service in order to be compatible with multi-user.target?

For my case, it is acceptable to simply mirror the native HDMI output rather than extend it.