View Full Version : 2560x1440 support.. usb2?

06-04-2012, 02:48 PM
Is there a current or yet-to-be released device to go from USB2 , or ethernet to a 2560x1440 monitor. I was worried you might *need* usb3 to drive the higher res.

Use case is a laptop which can only drive smaller displays and a big monitor.
Its not for fast graphics - only text (but being able to see *a lot* is a virtue)

How does one end up with such a convoluted setup ?
.. by having a cheap 2nd hand macbook for iOS dev whilst ones' main computing budget stays on PCs :) its a friend in that exact predicament but I've also got a similar issue (i'm using display link to add more monitors to a mac, i have multiple 1920's instead of a 2560)