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Old 06-12-2013, 02:47 AM   #66
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 4

Is there any update on this? Will you ever bother helping producing a solution for linux?

Would DisplayLink actually like to NOT sell product to oppose draconian drm rules? Hdcp is entirely broken and useless to bother enforcing it with software, so just do so to minimal spec to pass "certification" like everyone does. It will be broken regardless, so for crying out loud help produce a driver for this device already. Hell, the community that wants to see them actually work for their linux systems would likely do it for you with some understanding of the hardware and mired chipset security.

To what extent would one of your professional driver development firms listed charge for such an effort to adapt libdlo for this chip for gods sake? Kickstarter it - you'd get funded by all the people that read off of your homepage that you offer linux support, but really do not, and are now thus screwed like myself and all these folks.

Otherwise you can just be cursed and spit upon as a vendor by said folk, simply because someone within your organization can't figure out a technical solution to a business problem. Your chipset sales profits far outweigh what it would cost to offer a software solution as a driver for linux, and you don't even realize what kind of a market it would open as a raw crtc device for other gpu's alone.

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