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Old 05-07-2024, 11:45 AM   #6
Super Moderator
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Posts: 434

Originally Posted by scampbell6 View Post
I have the same issue and there are even other threads in this forum opening up with the exact same issue. The manufacturer sends us back to your software. It's not a hardware issue, it's a software issue because as many users state here... it was working, now it's not. All of theses people's hardware didn't crash on the same date (since the last apple OS update). Please take these reports seriously and update your software.
For the record, I am not a DisplayLink employee or a Synaptics employee. I am volunteer moderator.

As I understand it, there are two different things happening in this thread.

1. 'Something' is not working. I say 'something' in quotes because I myself am not sure of the cause.

2. In describing the original issue the original poster suggested that a message within the DisplayLink Manager Application may have been a indicator to the source of the issue.

I merely pointed out that the message they highlighted will always be present, even if everything is working as expected.

As I mentioned previously, if the original manufacturer of your DisplayLink-based product is not able to provide assistance, then you can report the issue directly to DisplayLink by following the process outlined here -->
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