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Old 08-25-2011, 06:51 PM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 2
Default clone/mirror or extend?


Can you tell me if you have chosen to clone/mirror the screen or extend the desktop to the second screen?

You should extend it, (its a checkbox in XP on the screen properties window, dont know how it looks like in Win7)

IF you have it extended, the it is simply an extension of your desktop and should not show any of the icons on your primary desktop, since this is an _extension_... So depending on how the Ipad screen is aligned to the primary screen (in the screen properties window, not in real life) you should be able to move your mouse to that screen and see the cursor move around. THEN you can move opened windows to the screen, or icons on your desktop if you prefer.

Let me know how it goes...
/Kristian - new to displaylink, not dual monitors...
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