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Old 08-24-2011, 03:54 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 1
Default Confused (clueless?) newbie

Hi folks.

Have not used more than one screen before, but liked the program and decided to use it with my Win7 pc and my iPad. Downloaded the app on the iPad and the program on my pc, set up my password, clicked on the Displaylink app and Tadaa! There's my pc screen on the iPad.

Except, its only the center of the pc screen, I cannot see my icons which are on the sides of the pc screen and trying to do anything with the iPad results in...nothing. No response whatsoever. When I click on the Displaylink app, the pc screen does show the multiple screen window (whatever its called) as it should, but that's the only thing that happens.

I must be doing something wrong, but haven't a clue as to what - help!

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